District Grant Final Report Instructions

Final reports are completed through DACdb under the Grants tab.

In order to edit the Final Report you must be included in your Clubs list of signatures in the Grants Module.  If you are not, you may need to contact your Club Secretary and have them add you to that list.

  1. Log into DACdb and click on the Grants tab.
  2. Click on the Club Grants link on the left.
  3. You may need to change the year to view the correct grant (click the button at the top to choose the year).
  4. Click on the edit icon which is the pencil in front of the grant you want to work on.
  5. Click on the Final Report tab to the far right.
  6. Edit and complete all sections of the report form.  Be sure to click on the save button each time you make changes under this tab (or you will have to type them in again).  A .pdf document is created and posted in the documents section when you save this report.
  7. Click on the documents tab and upload photos and copies of all receipts following the instructions when you click on the Upload File button.
  8. Click on the budget tab to complete and update the actual financial information.  The Grants Committee would prefer that all granted monies be spent on the project with adjustments, if needed, being made to the other funding amounts. Otherwise your Club must return the unspent grant funds to District 6150 to be returned to The Rotary Foundation.
  9. When your report is completed to your satisfaction and with all required documents (photos and copies of receipts), you must submit it for your Clubs (two are recommended) signatures.  Go to the Signatures tab to add the required signatures (one to submit the report for Club Signatures and then again to actually sign the report with another member of the club signing for the second signature.)  When the signatures have been added to the report it can be submitted for approval by the District Grants Committee by clicking the button at the top of the signatures page.

The purpose of using DACdb for the reporting is to satisfy the requirement of the Memorandum of Understanding of The Rotary Foundation of maintaining records of all grant monies spent.  The electronic data relieves the District of having paper copies on file.  The Club should also maintain a copy of all records and reports.

2024 DG Induction
2023-2024 Foundation Gala
District Leaders