District Governor

Brian Rega
District 6150 Governor 2024-25

Brian Rega
District Governor 2024-25

At some point someone identified you as “a Rotarian who doesn’t know it yet”.  Brian Rega (REE-guh) was one, too.  Twice.

In 1993 he sought out Rotary looking for a way to give back.  He’s a firm believer in the philosophy that “service to others is rent you pay for your room here on Earth.”  After aging out of the Jaycees, he was exploring his options.

He did an entry-evaluation period after which you had to commit to Rotary, and them to you.  Only, he couldn’t do it.  He couldn’t guarantee that he’d be there every Thursday morning.  He offered to turn in his red badge rather than be a disappointment to his concept of what Rotary was, and they accepted.

Occasionally over the next twenty-plus years a Rotarian might ask him to visit and his answer was always the same-- “I can’t tell you that I’ll be there every week.”  One day he came to the Jonesboro noon club to present a program and saw that Rotary had evolved.  It wasn’t so much about whether or not you’re here, as much as what you bring to, and get out of Rotary.  This time they invited, and he accepted.

So, here he is today, the son of a polio survivor, doing what he can to make the world a better place, one Rotary project at a time.  His classification is Health Care: Assisted Living Administration, and he’s proud to (finally) be a Rotarian.

Rega was graduated from Arkansas State University with a major in Communications and minor in Business Administration.  His career path led him into broadcasting, healthcare marketing, and for the past twenty-six years, senior housing. He holds certifications in Facilitation, Dementia, Aging Services, and Senior Housing Occupancy.

Brian was honored to lead the Rotary Club of Jonesboro during their centennial in 2019.  He is a Paul Harris Society member, (PHF +8); he joined the Polio Plus Society and serves District 6150 as the 13thGovernor from his home club.

He married to Jennifer, a Rotarian and Registered Nurse Case Manager Supervisor for a major insurance company.  They enjoy going to estate sales, which is basically going through other people’s stuff, while not parting with near enough of their own.  He is an avid collector of presidential campaign buttons and Santa Claus figurines.  

Outside of Rotary Brian serves on the Boards of Jonesboro City Water and Light, and Success Federal Credit Union. 

Rotary 6150 Day of Giving Campaign
2023-2024 Foundation Gala
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Mark Brasfield, Administrator
Rotary District 6150
PO Box 21843
Little Rock, AR 72221
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